Sunday, Feb 12
I slept with the TV on BBC World News. A bit nervous last night for some reason.
I woke up to the sounds of birds singing outside my window and this thought immediately came to mind: this is "my Father's world", even though it is vastly different from "my world", it is still His world.
Another thought I woke up with was this: I can wrap my head around all of this if I think of myself as camping. I can't try to relate this to a hotel experience I'd have in North America - but it fits well in my mind if I consider myself camping... Princess!
We were honored guests at a church opening today. And, I do mean honored.
This is the new building! We all walked from the old church building to this brand new one. Then we all walked around this one three times and then dedicated each entryway to the Lord. It was so fun to be a part of. I was asked to cut the ribbon at one of the entryways... that's just one of the ways I felt honored.
They use beautiful tents for every celebration. This is the ceiling of one tent that was just for us, their guests, to keep us out of the hot sun. A bit different than our tents, eh?
Some of the beautiful, colorful ladies. I loved them.
Far left, Vino - she is married to one of the area Pastors, Tintamony, myself, and one of Tintamony's daughters. These ladies were the first to introduce themselves to us.
This lady presented me with my scarf. I wanted to tickle her to make her smile - but I didn't.

Left - Shant, director of Far Corners - the mission we travelled with. Mid - Shakti, acted as our big brother for two weeks, he took care of everything for us, everything - and he's coming to Canada in May! Right - Biplab, a Baptist pastor having great impact in his community. He and his wife had us into their home for a wonderful meal.
Being in church today has made me think of home. I wonder what my family is up to? School break has begun.
I ate a meat dish that had nuts in it, at supper time. I had such a sense that this would happen at some point in time... it near scared me to death. But God really protected me - a miracle meant just for me. I am so thankful, NO reaction... just a big swig of Benedryl and I was knocked out.
stay tuned for more...
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