Monday, January 31, 2011

Guest Post: Tanya Payzant - FREE Valentine Printables

February is going to be such a fun month. The children in our school district have two weeks off of school due to the fact that our city is hosting “The Canada Winter Games”.

The other highlight of this month is, of course, Valentine’s Day! Valentines Day is a day we can celebrate the love we have for our family and friends. Feeling that you are loved is a very important part of a healthy life.

Due to the fact that I’ve had LOTS of free time on my hands lately (that’s a story for another day), I’ve been checking out some sweet, free, printable ideas online. There are so many great ideas online: Valentine's cards, labels, note paper, cupcake picks, bar wrappers, computer desktop wallpaper, and much more!

"Paper Glitter" is offering these Valentine labels as well as the Cupcake Picks below.

Find these Valentine Cupcake Picks here.

Find this sweet Cherry Valentine Set here.

There are lots of free printable Valentine cards online as well. Look at these cute ones for children or adults. You will also want to go on the Living Locurto website. They have some awesome freebies as well as free downloads when you "like" them on Facebook.

I believe that sometimes we feel Valentine's are just for that one special person in our life. . . or that they are something children pass out to their classmates in elementary school. Lets show our family, friends, co-workers, that we love and care for them. That might mean a card in the mail, emailed or hand delivered . It might mean some cupcakes or muffins taken into work, or a phone call to a friend you haven't seen in ages. It might mean a random act of kindness to a complete stranger. This Valentine's day lets "spread the love around"!

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another" John 13:14 NIV

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