Sunday, March 4, 2012

Take 5 with Kathy - "I heard but now I see..."

When was the last time the reality of something you heard become more up-close and personal? For me, it was this past Thursday. We Nova Scotians have become more aware in the past few years of the presence and encroaching prevalence of the Eastern Coyote in our urban areas. They have been spotted in our community, even within a few metres of a local elementary school, and about three weeks ago I was awakened with what I later realized was their distinctive high-pitched yelping and rather frenzied yip-yapping – they sounded close! On Thursday evening our neighbor called to warn us that just three doors down Natural Resources personnel had set traps in a backyard where coyotes had been seen. I’m thinking it may be a while before I go walking alone on our very popular streets and trails! These animals are becoming more comfortable, and sometimes aggressive, around heavily populated areas and so it is a little unnerving and of concern given the amount of children, and adults, who walk back and forth each day. I certainly hope I don’t see one too close!

I was reading a passage this week in the book of Job and one verse popped out at me like never before. If you’re familiar with the dreadful adversities, grief, and tragedy that came upon this once wealthy man you also may know that at the end of his time of trial he spoke very honestly with God. He said, “I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted…Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.” Then this is the verse – “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.”[i] Job had heard of God, knew God in a personal way, and trusted in God. However, it was through the agony of suffering and feeling God was so far away that he actually began to see God in all His might and infinite knowledge. He saw God up-close and personal. Through the book of Job we gain a better understanding of God’s ways and how He orchestrates the every day events of our lives. We benefit greatly from the telling of his story.

Our son and niece near Ross Farm, Nova Scotia
Psalm 78:1-7 says, “O my people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden from of old – things we have heard and known, things our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done... so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget His deeds but would keep His commands.”

Deborah knew the importance of telling her people how God had won a great victory for them over the Canaanites. She did so in a poetic song as was very common among the Israelites. As she praised the Lord, she also described in great detail how Sisera’s chariots and army were swept away by a great rush of water and recounted the gruesome facts of how Sisera himself met his end[ii]. Deborah made sure her people heard of God’s intervention, not only in sending the flood, but “the earth shook, the heavens poured, the clouds poured down water. The mountains quaked before… the God of Israel.”[iii] As she sang, the people heard her praise for all those who willingly volunteered to fight, her reprimands for those who shrunk back from active duty, her blessing upon Jael for defeating Sisera, and her plea to God to continue defending them against their enemies.

Deborah knew that if the Israelites were to see God, they needed to continually hear of His mighty acts of deliverance. As a Christian I also have the responsibility to tell others what I have heard and seen of God so their experience with God can be more up-close and personal. It goes both ways – as I hear from believers around the world, like you, my faith in God goes beyond just hearing to actually seeing God in fresh new ways!

Until next Sunday,


[i] Job 42:2-4
[ii] Judges 5:24-27
[iii] Judges 5:4-5



  1. Here In South Western Ontario we have always had Coyotes . Lots of poor wild stray dogs that will attack humans do to the trauma of being droped off in the woods to defend for themselves , farther up north there are woves as well ! The coyotes in the city's are also aggressive because they are being pushed out of their natural habitat due to so many suberbs being built and they are being forsed to cities where there is easy access to food via garbage it is changing who they naturally are to survive . I have never known Coyotes to attack unless hungry being raised in the country on a farm ! Unlike dogs that are moved with family from the city to the country will kill live stock for fun have had that also on the farm ! Good post , hope things get better for people and the Coyotes there ! Have a good day !

  2. I have to keep a close watch on my small dogs when they go outside because a few coyotes have been spotted in the golf community where we live. That is unusual for our area of the south, I think. I enjoyed your spiritual words for today. Thanks for sharing.------- Shannon

  3. Thank you both for your comments and information. Perhaps some of us in Nova Scotia are a little more apprehensive about coyotes due to them killing a young woman on a Cape Breton trail in October 2009. There have been a few other aggressive encounters as well.
    Glad you are enjoying the devotional aspect of my blog.


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