The catch phrase, “by any other name”, originated with
Shakespeare’s Juliet who lamented to Romeo, “What’s
in a name? That which we call a rose by
any other name would smell as sweet.”[i] Oh, if his family name had
not been Montague perhaps these love-torn hearts could have lived happily ever after!
Juliet reasoned that the character of a person matters more than what they are
This is true, however many people and cultures place
great worth in the meaning of a person’s name. Like so many moms-to-be I
consulted baby-name books while waiting for our child. I wanted to ensure he or
she had a name with spiritual depth. So, we chose one which comes from the
Hebrew meaning “God will uplift”. It is also a favourite of mine! Because my
husband’s heritage is Chinese, it was customary for his parents to decide on a
name as well. The one they chose represents “bright” and “handsome”.

Two weeks ago I took up the challenge to explore the
Hebrew names for God. But instead of only researching the meanings behind these
names, I wanted to go “beyond” and see what impact they have on my own life.
What difference do they make in my understanding of God? Do they influence me
to change in some way? How can they contribute to a deeper relationship with
Over the next few weeks I invite you to come along on
this journey with me. I’m excited to know God better and see how my daily walk
is transformed as a result!
In the Bible, the primary word for God, or a god, is“El” signifying “might, strength, or power”. It was
the most common title for any deity in the ancient Near East including Almighty
God. It can be used on its own, but is usually combined with another word to
clarify the nature or role of a god in some way. This is especially true when distinguishing
the one true God from false gods. There are many combinations of this name but
I will choose a few for further reflection.

During my travels to many Asian and European countries, I’m
always fascinated with visiting various cathedrals, temples, and other places
of worship. While their architecture is captivating, the spiritual overtones are
what move me most deeply. I have watched people burning candles and incense,
offering food to the gods, falling prostrate on the ground before manmade idols,
consulting fortune tellers, and buying paper money to burn for their deceased
loved ones. Hubby and I have hundreds of photos of tiny idols, golden idols,
wooden idols, the largest Buddha statue in the world, simple and ornate crucifixes,
and altars of every description. It makes me sad to see these people so
devotedly going through the rituals they believe will please their unseeing
gods and earn them a better afterlife.
However, their devotion always inspires me to gaze inward
and examine how deeply I am committed to the One whom I know is the God of all
gods and the Lord of all lords. How often do I pause and openly, without embarrassment,
give thanks to God before eating my meal in a restaurant? Do my neighbors see
me unashamedly carrying my Bible as I go to church? Have I become desensitized
at all to the blatant misuse of God’s name on TV or in the workplace, stores
and recreation areas? Why am I shy about sharing my God and what He means to
I know and serve the One Great and Awesome God! I have no
reason to fear!
Until next Sunday,
P.S. I welcome your comments and input as we grow together!
P.S. I welcome your comments and input as we grow together!
[i] “Romeo and Juliet”, Shakespeare, 1600
Very nice