Thursday, September 9, 2010

School Days....

All through my preschool years of having children I dreaded the days of all my kids going to school. I assumed I would sob for days, WEEKS even, when my first child toddled off to school. It wasn't easy the first day...but imagine my surprise when I was fine after day. The same went for my second one.

I could never understand those mothers who rejoiced at the end of summer...that would NEVER be me. NEVER. Then, at the end of this summer, before 2/3 of my children headed back to school, I felt a twinge of something....I was ANNOYED. Summer just needed to be over. I don't care what anyone says, by the end of the summer, vacations are over, day trips are done and kids are bored. I started to look forward to the beginning of school...WHAT?? I swore that would never happen! But I was looking forward to routine, and for my kids to have one too...they needed one! Now my youngest has started nursery school two mornings a week. That means two mornings of alone time. At first I was overwhelmed with the thoughts of it...what in the world would I do? Two hours alone? Unheard of! As someone who had three kids in four years...I haven't had a scheduled amount of alone time in some years. I was sure I would dread it. HOWEVER, by this two....I am starting to realize I will look forward to those two mornings immensely. Instead of dreading school days I am starting to embrace them. I came home and stared blankly. Then I washed my curtains. Of all things! Motherhood is such an emotional and unexpected journey. The things you thought you would love...and the things you dreaded the most you find out just may not be so bad after all! Although I don't look forward to saying good bye to my last one, when she goes to school full time next year....I am starting to realize it may not be so bad after all. Who knew?


  1. Look at that cute little Kai-Lan backpack!

    I don't like this whole transition of Gabe being gone and me being alone, but I can already see that even though it's not my favorite, I am going to love the chance to get things done without interruption! Hope you enjoy your two mornings a week!

  2. ummmm, I have curtains... (wink wink, nudge nudge)

  3. Thanks Heidi! Enjoy your time's a huge adjustment I'm sure!!!

    And Lisa...ahhhh...I'll let you know the next time I wash curtains, but I have to warn you it's RARE!!!

  4. I LOVED this blog Jenn! I was talking to a mom outside the school this morning about the same thing. We fear the unexpected but then it turns out to not be so bad. Thanks for sharing.


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