This week I was thinking about the importance of letting
others help you. Some women find it easier to employ the helping hands of
someone else…a co-worker, their children, their husband, a friend, a tradesperson,
or a salesclerk. But I believe a majority of women (at least I like to think
I’m in the majority) are more like me. If we can do it ourselves, whether out
of skill or necessity, we hesitate to ask for help – or outright deny it! You
know…the desire to be the Proverbs 31 women’s supermodel,
She “works with eager hands”, “sets about her work
vigorously”, her “arms are strong for the task”, her lamp does not go out at
night”, she “opens her arms to the poor”, she “does not eat the bread of
idleness” (from Proverbs 31).
Isn’t it so true? As women, we spend so much of our time using
our hands to help others (which is good and honourable) that we often neglect
to find the joy in allowing others to help us. There are times I’ve had to accept the helping hands of
others – during illness, after surgery, lifting furniture, or like last night when I
needed hubby to hold the Mason jars so they wouldn’t fall over as I placed them
in the canning processor (after six hours of work I had reached my limit!).
Last month, the helping hands of my mother-in-law were much appreciated as we
created table decorations for the banquet following my son’s wedding. Her
expertise in folding tiny Chinese fans enabled us to enjoy each other’s company
despite our limited ability to bridge the language barrier.

In other instances, I’ve had to remind myself that part
of my responsibility as a wife, mother, mentor, friend, aunt, and leader is to
allow others to work alongside me and share in the joy of learning together. On
Monday I wrote in my journal,
“Letting others assist me helps them to realize their
efforts are valuable, effective, needed, and noticed. This encourages them to
continue being faithful and dedicated. It shows the value of serving together
and how much more effective our work or ministry is when each person does
his/her part. It’s often a motivator for observers to become involved and
discover their own giftedness and usefulness. On a personal level, it fills me
with happiness as I partner with someone else in accomplishing a task. I’m
often humbled when what I learn from others enables me to become better at what
I do. I also receive great pleasure in seeing those I have mentored perpetuate
that attitude of helpfulness in leading others. Above all, our helping hands
glorify God, the One who created us and designed us to help each other.”
Scripture abounds with examples of people assisting each
other in their work. But God models this best. One favourite passage I have
revisited many times is found in Isaiah 41. These words are etched in my
Linden tree ornament I found in Salzburg, Austria |
“I will strengthen you and help you: I will uphold you
with my righteous right hand.” (verse 10)
“For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your
right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear; I will help you.’” (verse 13)
What a great comfort to be assured of the helping hands
of my loving Lord and the people He places around me!
P.S. This depiction comes from Isaiah 49:16, "See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..." I love this image!
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