What does selfless devotion really mean to me? How do I
live my life in such a way that nothing or anyone takes away from my
relationship with Christ? In what ways have I allowed things to replace that
space that is to be reserved for God? These are some questions I have been
challenged to consider over the past couple weeks.
This week as I studied a very familiar passage of
Scripture, the Lord gave me a fresh perspective on a model of selfless devotion
contrasted with a glaring example of selfish greed. It’s found in Mark 14:3-11,
“While He (Jesus)
was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the
Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of
pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on His head.” (NIV)
First of all, for a woman in that time and culture, to
enter a room full of men eating in such a manner would have been imprudent and
inappropriate. Furthermore, her actions may have implied impropriety in their
eyes and it was a very risky move. What makes the story even more compelling is
her lavish expression of love and devotion for Jesus. I believe she understood
that He was the long-ago promised Messiah and she sacrificed, no doubt, her
most precious possession to anoint her Saviour.
alabaster jar |
Alabaster is a mineral that was commonly used in ancient
times to make perfume and ointment bottles. Because of its transparent nature,
the attractiveness of such items was enhanced. Usually white in colour, it
could also be found in yellow or red and the extraction method from limestone
caves or hot springs contributed to the bottles being so expensive. The
alabaster of the Bible times mostly came from the Orient or Egypt.
Nard oil comes from the Valeria plant which grows in
Nepal and the Himalayan regions of China and India. Its intense fragrance makes
it popular for perfumes and incense. It also has medicinal qualities that are
used for sedation, skin ailments, and palliative care. In ancient times it was
used as a burial ointment. The perfume this woman possessed was much more valuable
than your most expensive Chanel, Gucci, or Estee Lauder collections. In fact,
Scripture states it was worth an entire year’s wages!
“Some of those
present were saying indignantly to one another, ‘Why this waste of perfume? It
could have been sold for more than a year’s wages and the money given to the
poor’. And they rebuked her harshly.” (Mark 14:4-5, NIV). Matthew’s account
in 26:8-9 clearly indicates “those present” were Jesus’ disciples.
A year’s wages in those days was about 300 Greek Denarii
and in the minds of the disciples this was an extravagant waste when so many
hungry people scrounged for food outside in the street. But I love Jesus’ reply,
“Leave her alone,”
Jesus replied, “Why are you bothering her? The poor you will always have with
you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me.
She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for
my burial.” (Mark 14:6-8, NIV)
Whether or not this woman was aware of Jesus’ imminent
death and sacrifice of His life to forgive our sins, she chose her most
precious possession to express the depth of her love and devotion to Him. Would
I have been willing to act so selflessly or would I allow my most prized
belonging to take precedence over my relationship with Christ? I wonder…
My intention this week will be to discover what I
treasure most and determine whether it prevents me in any way from devoting
myself selflessly to God. May God give me the courage to follow through!
Until next Sunday,
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