Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Valentine Doilies

Have you seen Martha Stewart's valentine doilies?
They are all over Pinterest.
They are the cutest things...easy & cheap!

I bought a package of red and pink paper napkins, (Dollarama)
grabbed my scissors, and went to work.

Fold the napkin in half.

Fold in half again.

Cut out a heart free hand. 
 Or make a cardboard template and cut out around it.
I drew this heart simply to show you where I was cutting it out.
  The farther up on the napkin that you cut out the heart increases
the size of hole in the middle of your doilie.

Use them as a runner down the center of your table.

A place mat.

A great family activity in preparation for Valentine's.
Use these doilies to decorate tables, windows, bulletin boards! 

Have Fun!!


  1. Really cute idea Tanya. It's nice to see economical and easy decor ideas like this. I saw paper chains on the blog Creek Line House this week too. A classic. ;)

  2. Tanya, these are really adorable. I often want something like this that I can just pick up what I have and do. Lots could be made with these but I really just love the look of them against the wood too. Thanks for stopping over at Quirky Vistas and leaving me your comment about my junking adventure. I'm with you on hoping I don't see someone I know. I try not to look around too much because I always feel that if I don't see anyone else, maybe they don't see me. :)

  3. They are lovely, thanks so much for the simple instructions!

  4. This is so, so pretty Tanya! I love how you made it look so easy! Have a lovely week! Angie xo

  5. Great idea! You are so clever! Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Tammy

  6. Now how creative is this. Thanks for the tutorial. Thanks also for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  7. I totally adore these heart doilies.. So many great ways to use them.
    Thanks for linking up at Friday Fun party. :)
    Have a nice weekend!

  8. so pretty, so fun and so affordable. Just perfect!

    Wonderful to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


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