Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fruit Flies

Finally, summer!!!! Hot humid weather, lazy days by the pool, fresh fruits and vegtables and.......... pesky little fruit flies. I hate ( and I know, hate is a strong word ) fruit flies. I will be asking the Lord upon my arrival in Heaven, " Why did you create fruit flies"? I opened my cupboard yesterday and a cloud of the little fliers came wooshing out at me; getting in my eyes and nostrils. As I tend to forget the amounts for the ingredients needed for the "fly trap" from summer to summer, I wasn't too long getting on the phone with my husband's grandmother to get the recipe I needed to rid me of my torment.

For those of you reading this who hate fruit flies, I am giving you the recipe for the cure:

1/2 cup water
1/2 cup vinegar

1 table spoon sugar

1 or 2 sqirts of dish soap

Place ingredients in a glass. Some recipes tell you to place plastic wrap over the glass and poke holes in it; but I find no plastic wrap is neccessary.

Despite being Gross, I take great joy in seeing the little lifeless critters floating in the above mentioned concoction.

Can anyone relate to my situation? Let me know if the recipe works for you as well as it works for me.



  1. I've used this a few times Chris, and it has always worked for me. Good tip about no cellophane. I'll try that. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. I am going to try this!! Thanks Chris!!

  3. Funny that you posted this yesterday! My mother uses apple cider vinegar covered with saran wrap with poked holes in top. I got rid of my fruit flies yesterday in 10 minutes.

    First, I removed all fruit from the counter and moved it into the fridge.

    Second, I turned on the vacuum and sucked them up!!! It works EVERY time! You bait them with something and stir it and zoom in quick with the vacuum and they are gone. But don't put it away yet! They tend to land in higher places. Just wait a bit and hunt them down and rid yourself on them once and for all.

    Seriously, there were so many in my kitchen and today I am fruit fly FREE!

  4. Not only do I relate, but I couldn't wait to get my own floaters. So I made the recipe first before writing this post!


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